Partner Organisations
Founded in 1945, INED is a public scientific and technological establishment (EPST) placed under the dual supervision of the ministry in charge of research and the ministry in charge of social affairs. The institute’s missions are to study the populations of France and foreign countries, to widely disseminate the knowledge produced and to assist in research training and through research. Through an open approach to demography, it mobilizes a wide range of disciplines such as economics, history, geography, sociology, anthropology, biology, epidemiology.
The Center for Postgraduate Medical Education (Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego) is a Polish medical university located in Warsaw. The center is a specialized study center for physicians, dentists, laboratory diagnosticians, pharmacists, physiotherapists and for fields applicable to health care, offering the possibility of continuing education and conducting doctoral studies. The university is a founding body of two hospitals: Witold Orłowski Independent Public Clinical Hospital in Warsaw and Adam Gruca Independent Public Clinical Hospital in Otwock. CMKP has a long experience in distant courses dedicated to medical doctors and other medical personnel: it manages an e-learning platform with over 15 thous. users, provides approximately 500 e-learning courses in Poland, financed both from the European and Polish funds, publishes interactive multimedia presentations.
Universidade Aberta, founded in Lisbon in 1988, is a public university in Portugal offering distance education at the graduate level and continuous training. The university has become a European benchmark institution in the field of e-learning thanks to the recognition of its exclusive virtual pedagogical model based on the intensive use of new tools for online communication, collaboration and learning. Universidade Aberta is also involved in conducting research, supporting the participation of their teachers and researchers in scientific institutions and promoting cooperation and cultural, scientific and technical exchanges with similar national and foreign institutions.
Ioannina University, founded in 1964, is a Greek university which became independent in 1970. It hosts more than 18,000 students and 528 academic and research staff in 15 Departments. Its faculties of medicine and literature are considered among the best in Greece.
School of Medicine, University of Ioannina, has established a formal, structured educational module on cause-of-death certification dedicated to students of medicine. This module, imbedded into the compulsory 3rd year training on Hygiene and Epidemiology, consists of lectures on mortality statistics and their respective value in forming health policy, as well as training sessions on filling in the death certificates. In the last 5 years, more than 800 students have successfully completed the module. Moreover, the School of Medicine co-hosts and co-ordinates the Nationwide Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies and Solid Tumors (NARECHEM-ST), and contributes (?) to the largest to-date repository of health and disease status, the UK Biobank.