Warsaw Conference

L’Institut national d’études démographiques, Aubervilliers (Ined)


the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education  (CMKP)


are pleased to announce a conference dedicated to the certification of causes of death, to be held in Warsaw on 22nd May 2023.

In European countries, a considerable proportion of death certificates are not completed in accordance with the World Health Organization’s recommendations on medical causes of death. This is because knowledge of statistical terminology and practical certification skills are not usually taught in depth in medical schools. 

This international conference is dedicated to the importance of reliable data on causes of death, as well as new perspectives and challenges for public statistics in times of COVID-19 epidemics. Academics from four European countries will present educational practices aimed at improving and updating the skills of medical doctors and students in certifying causes of death. The working languages will be English (morning session) and Polish (afternoon session).  

The full programme will be available on this website shortly.

Please register here by April 14 2023



Registration completed


For any questions regarding the conference or registration contact us